Why did I receive an invoice from a different registry service? Print

  • 33

For domain name registration fees, we generally only send out electronic invoices by email, and our notifications will come from either a Compudata.ca email address, (typically cloudservices@compudata.ca)  or donotreply@name-services.com for some renewal reminders and possible ICANN communications.  Any official physical mail from Compudata will be sent from our physical address with our letterhead and/or logo.

Some domain registrars, such as the “Domain Registry of Canada”, may send out mailers attempting to trick people into inadvertently switching registration services.  The Domain Registry of Canada is an actual domain reseller for Brandon Gray Internet Services, an accredited domain name registrar, but they use confusing and shady marketing tactics confuse people into switching to their service, generally favouring the postal service over emails.  Their letters might look something like this:

Domain Registry of Canada envelopes

While they have been forced to ‘clean up their act’ a little bit, their ethics and tactics are at best questionable and still designed to mislead.


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